Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Some great shops on etsy - please visit them!

Hi again, world. I am slowly learning my way around blogville. So glad to have you visit! I have been busy today, painting away. I am on a roll lately - I've been painting ACEOs and larger works - very colorful abstracts with black lines. One series has a music theme; one series is more floral/fruit. I'm focusing on watercolor and inks. We were snowed in today (near Boston), and I was happy as could be, painting away! These ACEOs are very addicting, and so is etsy. If you haven't discovered it yet, is a "site for all things handmade", and the handcrafted items and artwork there are wonderful. Check it out.

Two incredible shops on etsy (besides mine, , shameless plug) are: with incredible things including reconstructed clothing - so unique! with art and many fantastic things!

Please take a look at these shops. Plus, if you are as addicted to ACEOs as I am, you should take a look at and

1 comment:

kae1crafts said...

Welcome to the world of blogs - great theme and venue to show off the awesome ACEOs that you create as well and featuring other Etsy sellers. The Etsy ACEO Street Team should be of interest to all ACEO artists. You might check it out if you haven't already joined.

Love your work.

Kae of and